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Jin Shou Puerh 5 year - Yunnan

Jin Shou Puerh 5 year - Yunnan

Regular price $18.50
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金 熟普洱茶 (Jīn shú pǔ'ěr chá) Golden Ripe Puerh Tea

Puerh tea from the Yunnan Province in China, and is the only tea that is aged before being sold to market. This tea is aged 5 years, which allows the early flavours to mellow with roasted caramel woody notes. Rich dark infusion.

ingredients: aged tea

Sheng vs Shou
Sheng 生 Puerh 普洱 is the original style of Puerh production, literally meaning Raw or Alive also referred to as unripe. Sheng Puerh, production allows aging to happen naturally to pressed cakes typically 10-15 years+, where Shou 熟 (lit. ‘cooked’ also known as ‘ripe’) puerh speeds the process by intentional fermentation or “rippening” of the tea leaves, like in aging cheese.

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